Equitable and customized health
access for all
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We prioritize Immigrants' health
and wellbeing
join today Donation Now

Slide Equitable and customized health
access for all
join today Donation Now
Slide We prioritize Immigrants' health
and wellbeing
join today Donation Now


For Haitian Immigrants in New Jersey

We are excited to announce the opening of registrations for our ESL English Classes, tailored for Beginners and Intermediate levels !


Immigrants health and wellbeing



Who are we ?

We are an organization that operates exclusively for charitable purposes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, mobilizing, empowering, and connecting underserved people and communities with health services and health-related resources.


Our mission is to promote health equity and social justice through community efforts that improve access to quality healthcare and human services for vulnerable and underserved populations.
We are committed to improving the health status of people experiencing the heaviest burden of diseases and the highest barriers to accessing quality healthcare and health-related resources duen to race, color, culture, religion, sex, gender, age, disability, immigration status, socio-economic situation, geographic location, etc.


We envision a world where everyone can access affordable and quality health services and health-related resources without discrimination and catastrophic expenses.

What we stand for

Our Values


Everyone must show high regard and sustained care for the other regardless of his/her personality, emotions, preferences, or cultural background.


We expect everyone to carry out his/her tasks with great competence according to the principles of the profession and the sector of activity.


We encourage active participation in the life of the organization, enjoying your rights and fulfilling all your duties, answering for your actions, those of others, and things of which you are the guardian.


Each of us has a moral duty to support each other including co-workers, customers, and our communities.


We attract staff and customers with diverse social and cultural backgrounds and create an atmosphere that guarantees them equitable welcome and services.


Each of our staff and our clients has the same opportunities for integration,commitment, and participation in the development, production, and delivery of care and services.

Social justice

We advocate for everyone to have and keep the resources necessary to maintain good health. We adhere to the principles of social responsibility and respect for human rights and dignity.


We constantly work to make health and human services continually available, attainable, affordable, convenient, and easy to understand and use.


We opt for care and services that are accessible, prompt, accurate, safe, complete, patient-centered, effective, efficient, scientifically sound, optimal, and excellent.


We encourage new ideas and methods to improve the structures, processes, and outcomes of our services on an ongoing basis.

Recent Causes

We need you

We assess, monitor and evaluate the needs and capacities of vulnerable people and communities, namely immigrants and refugees.

We mobilize community resources to improve the health and wellbeing of Immigrants and Refugees.


We help newcomers find a career pathway and secure a job to become self-sufficient.



Quality Healthcare, Compassionate Care: Lakay Access Sante

Lakay Access Sante

in numbers


Every contribution counts! This counter reflects the total amount raised so far, thanks to the generosity of supporters like you. Together, we can make a meaningful impact.



Volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. Their dedication, passion, and selflessness drive our mission forward, making a positive impact on our community every day



Donors like you are the backbone of our work. Your generosity fuels our mission, allowing us to create positive change and provide vital support to those in need. Thank you for making a difference!


Raised Funds

Funds Raised: Your contributions have made a significant impact. Together, we’ve raised vital funds to support our mission, helping us create positive change and provide essential services.